【同义词辨析】 2019-07-20 个性慷慨无谓生死(5小组一起记)

(1) 个性
eccentricity: retains the basic notion of off center and in this use stresses divergence from the usual or customary: led a life of charming ~ies.   custom风俗惯例,表示非常常见,好象不成文的法律applies to a practice or usage so steadily associated with an individual or group as to have almost force of an unwritten law: the custom of mourners wearing black at funerals葬礼穿黑色衣服是风俗惯例

idiosyncrasy: stresses a strongly individual and independent quality and is likely to imply a following of one's peculiar bent or temperament: a style marked by ~.  英国文化不排斥idiosyncrasy或者eccentrics,美国人不喜欢idiosyncrasy,认为是odd behavior,是否是贬意要看语境   注意,之前老是把sy错写成cy

eccentricity个性: 保留了字面"离心"的含义,强调背离风俗惯例,idiosyncrasy个性: 表示个人独特的,完全按照个人爱好性情行事

记忆方法: 1) 个性的意思是行为独特mean singularity in behavior or an instance of this.   (singular独特奇特: 强调是个人特有的,让人感到疑惑,因此奇特suggests individuality and puzzling strangeness,如a singular feeling of impending disaster有种奇特的感觉,感到灾难即将来临,如有人曾这样评价C++编程语言: it is new, it is simple, it is singular, it must succeed!它新颖,它简单,它独特,它一定成功!)

(2) 慷慨
liberal: suggests openhandedness in the giver and largeness in the thing or amount given: a teacher ~ in bestowing praise.  openhanded出手大方的

generous: stresses warmhearted readiness to give more than the size and importance of the gift: a friend's ~ offer of assistance.

bountiful: suggests lavish, unremitting generosity in giving or providing: ~ grandparents spoiling the children.  (lavish慷慨或过分慷慨铺张奢侈,如a lavish state dinner丰盛的国宴)  unremitting不停的not stopping, 如unremitting hostility/misery/gloomy weather从未化解的敌视/一直很悲惨/持续的阴沉天气)    (bounty最基本的意思是慷慨馈赠,如the bounty of nature大自然的慷慨馈赠,如autumn's bounty of fruits秋天大量水果bounty还表示赏金奖金,如a bounty hunter表示赏金猎人或杀手, 如a bounty of $50,000 was put on Dr. Alvarez's head有人悬赏50,000美元买阿尔瓦雷斯博士的人头)

munificent: suggests splendid or princely lavishness in giving: the Queen was especially ~ to her favorite.

liberal慷慨: 表示大方大量给予,generous慷慨: 更强调真诚热情地给予而不是数量,bountiful慷慨: 表示奢华无限制的慷慨,munificent慷慨: 像王侯一样辉宏

记忆方法: 1) 慷慨的意思是大方不吝啬给予mean giving freely and unstintingly.   freely you receive, freely you give你大方地拿,你慷慨地给,表示让人有索取也要有付出。freely有两个意思,1、自由自愿地,2、慷慨大方

(3) 活的
living: applies to organic bodies having life as opposed to those from which life has gone: ~ artists.

alive: opposed to dead, is like living, but follows the word it modifies: toss the lobster into the pot while it's still ~.

animate: is used chiefly in direct opposition to inanimate to denote things alive or capable of life: a child seemingly afraid of every ~ object.

animated: is applied to that which becomes alive and active or is given motion simulating life: an ~ cartoon.

vital: implies the energy and especially the power to grow and reproduce that are characteristic of life: all of his ~ functions are normal. 生命功能

living活着: 表示有机体拥有生命,alive活着: 意思相同,但跟在所修饰词的后边,animate有生命: 和inanimate无生命直接相反,animated变活跃动画: 表示变得活跃有生命,或者用动作模拟生命,活力vital: 表示能够生长繁殖

记忆方法: 1) 活的的意思是有生命mean having or showing life.  

(4) 死的
dead: is applied literally to what is deprived of vital force but is used figuratively of anything that has lost any attribute of life, such as energy, activity, or radiance: a ~ engine.  vital是上一组最后一个词,这里vital force就是life

defunct: stresses cessation of active existence or operation: a ~ television series.  cease和stop的区别是,cease表示停止了并且不会再重新开始,stop则不一定 defunct party/model不复存在的政党,如美国美元党the Greenback Party,不复存在的车型号,如Lulu,但说人defunct表示不尊敬。dysfunctional功能丧失,意思很接近,但表示不存在,而是功能丧失或异常,最常用的dysfunctional society丧失功能的社会,diplomatic dysfunction丧失功能的外交

deceased, departed, late: apply to persons who have died recently. deceased occurs especially in legal use: the rights of the ~ must be acknowledged; departed usually occurs as a euphemism: pray for our ~ mother; and late applies especially to a person in a specific relation of status: the ~ president of the company.  注意euphemism虽然以e元音开头,但音标/ju/是辅音开头,所以冠词用a

dead死的: 指丧失生命,或比喻失去了生命的属性如能量行动光泽;defunct停止的: 表示不复存在,deceased,departed,late死的: deceased常用于法律;departed是委婉用语;late常用于职位

记忆方法: 1) 死的的意思是失去生命mean devoid of life.   骷髅头图案有特殊含义,该图案的拉丁名称是memento mori表示: 记住你会死remember that you will die,古代人拿它提醒自己珍惜时间,就像乔布斯在斯坦福毕业典礼上说他有时会问自己,如果明天我会死,那我今天应做什么。来自词根MORT表示死to die,如mortal凡人的会死的,mortality死亡率)

(5) 无谓
neutral: implies a quality, an appearance, or a reaction that belongs to neither of two opposites or extremes and often connotes vagueness, indefiniteness, indecisiveness, or ineffectualness; maintained a ~ position in the argument.

negative: carries a stronger implication of absence of positive or affirmative qualities and commonly implies lack of effect, activity, or definite and concrete form: won't accomplish anything with such a ~ attitude.  (positivity正面,表示乐观自信积极implies optimism, confidence, and activity,反义词negativity负面的是lady gaga一首歌名,如be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life要对未来充满信心,继续过正常生活,如能量positive energy。有一个故事,两个人去滑雪,山上突然有一个雪球往下滚,negative负面的人一直抱怨埋怨自己命运不好,结果果然被雪球砸中;positive正面的人镇定观察马上侧身躲开,然后高兴地去滑雪)

indifferent: implies a quality, a character, or an appearance that is not readily categorized, especially as good or bad, right or wrong, and that, therefore, is unlikely to stir up strong feeling or elicit firm opinions: she was a hard worker but an ~ student. category希腊哲学中的范畴,是一切类型的基础词,甚至是class这样基础的词的基础词

neutral中立: 表示不属于正反双方的任何一方,暗指模糊不明确不确定不显著,negative负面: 强调缺乏正面肯定,常表示无形式无行动无效果,indifferent无所谓: 表示难以分类感觉意见不鲜明

记忆方法: 1) 无谓的意思是不明确决定mean lacking decisiveness or distinctness.  distinct不同独特=different, 强调可以distinguish区分出来distinguished by the mind or eye as being different from others,如every snowflake is distinctive, just as every tree leaf每片雪花每片树叶都与其它不同